A Special Note From Our Team,
Due to the impending storm we have made the decision to CANCEL Sunday Morning Services on Sunday, February 16. With the amount of snow that is coming, the city has put in place a street parking ban that will run during our services. There is also no guarantee that our parking lot will be cleared for our service times as well. These along with the primary reason of public safety we have made this decision.
Pastor Drew will be sharing a video message via our YouTube page tomorrow morning, so be sure to check it out HERE 
Thank you all for your understanding, and we pray for safety of all during the storm!
Welcome to Sunnyside Wesleyan Church!
A Community of Light and Life for King and Kingdom

Our Mission is to shine the LIGHT of Jesus that leads to LIFE!

Our Identity is as a Christian Community for KING and KINGDOM!

Our Purpose is to lead all people to the LIGHT of Christ!

Our Vision is to see God's KINGDOM come on earth as in Heaven!

Learn More
Service Schedule - Two services at 9am and 11am

With Nursery for ages 0-2 and Sunday School for ages 3 to grade 6 offered at both services

Livestream the service at 11am 

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:4-5


Read this week's Friday Newsletter to stay up to date with what's happening!

Life at Sunnyside

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