Your generosity ensures the Kingdom work at Sunnyside continues

There are several ways to give at Sunnyside with systems in place to ensure accountability. 

Pastoral staff at Sunnyside do not know how much you give.

A Canada Revenue Agency approved charitable donation receipt is issued at the end of the year for anyone whose donations total $20 or more (provided we have your contact information).  These charitable receipts can be used to reduce the amount of income tax you owe to Canada Revenue Agency.


The Church of Jesus operates and depends upon the parts of the local body of Christ contributing to the Kingdom Work. We are a community (a body) not a business. We exist to serve the Kingdom of God and seek to follow Him in all ways.


Tithing is the way believers in God have honoured God’s work and mission in the world for thousands of years. The practice of tithing is to give the first 10% of the resources God has blessed us with back to Him for His Kingdom purposes. One way you do this is by giving to the local expression of God’s Kingdom that you participate in.

We ask all people who call Sunnyside Wesleyan Church to consider the ancient practice of a Biblical tithe to the church so that we may do this Kingdom work. Tithing dates back all the way to Abraham and existed before the Law of Moses (Deut. 14:22-23). We don’t do it today because it is law but out of thanksgiving for God and to see His Kingdom come on earth. Israelites who followed the Law of Moses gave around 21% of their income to God. However, Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the law of Moses (Rom. 10:4) so we do not give out of some lawful duty, we give out of thanksgiving and to see the Kingdom of God advance. The 10% tithe existed before the law and Jesus himself affirmed this in Matthew 23:23 saying “You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things”. We believe the 10% tithe is a biblical principle that demonstrates the minimal expectation of Christians participating in the body of Christ but it is a personal act of worship not a lawful duty.

If you call Sunnyside church your home church, we appreciate you giving to this local work of God’s Kingdom. If you do not, there is no expectation you will give here, and visitors should feel welcome to give to their local body instead.


Tithing is an offering of first fruits (best of the best) not leftovers or leavings. God does not necessarily need your money, yet he calls us to be generous people and knows that we need to be “givers” to be like Him. This is the way God has always ordered the church or people of God. He has given the most valuable gifts to us in His grace. He has given us this world and its resources, our very lives and most of all, His Son Jesus on the cross for our sins. Because of this we cheerfully give and that giving is an act of worship to our Saviour and God.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.


Offerings are different than tithes. Where tithes are the biblical standard of regular giving to the Kingdom of God, offerings are things we give above and beyond that tithe. Sunnyside occasionally asks people to support works of God like our missionaries and missions organizations we support and other needs in the community that arise. Your offerings are an act of worship that go beyond the regular giving needed and are a way to honour God. You can choose to direct where these offerings go or trust in the leadership of the church to direct them to the needs in our care.


This is a popular idea that is sometimes discussed and can be a helpful way to think about the use of our time and skills and gifts. But it is not the same as tithing. Tithing is specifically a biblical principle about giving one tenth of your income to the Work of the Kingdom. These other extended ideas of tithing are excellent, and we would encourage you to give a tenth of your time and talents to the Kingdom of God in the least but that is not an alternative to tithing our financial resources.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a pastor about what it means to give to Sunnyside Wesleyan church, please contact Pastor Drew at for more information. 

Online Giving

Other Ways To Give

e-Transfer/Interac (email money)

You can make a donation from your bank account by Interac e-Transfer (emailing money) to the email address:

Numbered Envelope

Cash and cheque donations can be made using numbered envelopes for more discrete giving. Numbered envelopes can be requested by emailing the office:


Cheque donations made out to Sunnyside Wesleyan Church can be made by:

  • bringing it on Sunday morning

  • dropping it off to the church office during office hours or

  • mailing it to

    Sunnyside Wesleyan Church

    Attn: Finance

    58 Grosvenor Ave

    Ottawa, ON   K1S 4S4


Bring it on Sunday morning and place in an envelope (found in the chairs) on which you can write your name and address to receive a charitable donation tax receipt at the end of the year.